Saturday 29 June 2013

My experience with Plantar fibromatosis - ledderhose disease

My name is Patty, I live in Atlanta Georgia. I was diagnosed last year April 2012 with Plantar Fibromatosis, also known as ledderhose disease. I am creating this blog in hopes to find others out there who have this condition. I hope to find someone in the Georgia area. I am in search for podiatrist that has treated this disease and is very familiar with it.

I use to take ballroom dance classes. Two (2) hours once a week. I danced at least 3 times a week 2 to 5 hours at a time. I ran 3 miles, 3 times a week. I was always active. Never overweight.

My story begins Feb. 2012
Last year I ended up with very painful callus on the balls of both feet. I pampered this myself by using over the counter callus pads. Then I noticed a bone sticking out on the side of the top of my left foot. Odd I thought.  Although I was in no pain, I went to a podiatrist to make sure I was okay. I had x-ray. It was determined I  had posterior tibia tendonitis. He put me in a walking boot. About 2 weeks later I noticed 2 bumps protruding from the arch of my foot. This worried me. I had no pain n at that time but I thought they were bones.. In panic mode I went back to the podiatrist. He did an ultra-scan & told me to write down the name 'plantar fibromatosis' go home and search the net for information regarding plantar fibromatosis. He did not tell me anything about what Plantar fibromatotsis was or that is also known as ledderhose disease. So I left his office doing exactly s instructed. To my dismay all information I read was horror story, after horror. No cure, with end result of amputation. I was completely freaked out to say the least. By this time I was on crutches. I searched unsuccessfully for a chat room, forums, anything to be able to contact with someone with this condition. I also thought perhaps I should see an orthopedic verse a podiatrist

I made an appointment with an orthopedic for a 2nd opinion. She said I did not have fibroma. She said it was only scar tissue. Cortisone shot would take care of that. So I had two (2) cortisone shots. One on each lump. She told me to take P.T. for the tendonitis. Within 2 weeks of the shots I was off crutches and went happily about my life. The bumps in the arch was completely gone. The tendonitis in the ankle did not hurt any longer. She advised me to have custom orthotics made. This will help with the tendonitis. Something she said I would have for the rest of my life. $450.00 later I had my orthotics. When I did go dance I would wear tennis shoes with my orthotics in thinking I will never have another problem with my feet. After all I was wearing the orthotics and the bumps on the arch of my foot was only scar tissue. No worried! This was May 2012. I resumed all activity. Hooray I was cured!! However I did not go full force back to dancing. Instead I began hitting the gym and squatting with heavy weight.

But Then it Happened
In Jan. 2013 I noticed the bumps were coming back and I could feel the tingle sensation I would get in the ankle due to the tendonitis. I decided to be pro-active so I went for another cortisone shot. At that time the original doctor who had give me the cortisone shots left the practice. since the bumps returned I had a feeling that I really did have PF. I search the web to find a doctor within the same practice. he studied at Harvard so I assumed he was knowledgeable. I made the appointment with intention of another cortisone shot. This doctor confirmed it was indeed, Plantar fibroma (my worst nightmare). He said, if the 1st round of cortisone shot worked for 9 months then this one would too. He did not explain anything about this condition. He gave me the shot. Told me not to pound on the bottom of the foot. Not to squat for one week. After that resume all activity. I did as instructed. Once I resumed all activity both bumps came back full force. Larger and painful.

By Feb 2013 I was half on and half off crutches. I called multiple podiatrist office always asking the receptionist if this doctor was familiar with PF.  I did find a podiatrist with Emory. I made an appointment. This doctor was very kind. He asked me to tell him everything I knew about PF. So I did. He then said now he will tell me what part is truth and what is myth. He changed my orthotics to a more cushion type. He wrote me a prescription for transdermal verapamil 15% gel. He explained this is a long process but wanted me to go this route. He said if this did not work we could discuss shockwave therapy and/or surgery. He told me the surgery has changed and there is an 80% success rate as long as you remove the entire fascia.  I had already read to many horror stories regarding surgery so I was leery of that statement. I had not heart of the shockwave and what the success rate was on that. Anyway I decided to embark on the transdermal Verapamil 15% gel.

The doctor failed to tell me I must order this compound topical transdermal verapamil 15% gel medication from P.D.Labs located in Texas.
This is the only pharmacy that has the patent on this medication. Since I was unaware of this minor detail I went to a local compound pharmacy. They began to make this medication for me. After the 1st week or so the medication would get very grainy. I spent two (2) months applying counterfeit medication. As it is called when a pharmacy does not have the patent. I then Google this medication and learned about P.D.Labs. I sent my prescription to them. This topical medication is expensive. $250.00 per month. Thank God, I had BC/BS insurance. They paid all but $60.00. My total out of pocket was $69.00 as I had to pay the $9.00 shipping.

I’d like to mention before I embarked on this treatment plan my doctor ordered and ultra-scan (Feb. 2013) to determine the size of my bumps.
I have completed the 1st 90 days. I had 2nd ultra-scan. (June 2013) It was determine that the bumps have shrunk in length and width. However the depth remained the same on one but doubled on the other.

These measurements are in centimeters.
Feb 2013                 June 2013
Figure 1                    Figure 1
Width 1.73               width   .54
Length 2.27              length 1.65
Depth .75                  depth   .75

Feb 2013                June 2013
Figure 2                   Figure 2
Width  1.70              Width  .47
Length  1.32            length .79
Depth .57                 Depth 1.06

Although they have appeared to shrink.

The bottom line:
Am I still in pain?  Not as often. Do I have the quality of life back that this condition has robbed me of? Absolutely Not. The bumps are still noticeably there. I can feel them in my foot at rest mode. I am Not talking about feeling them by the touch of my hand. I can actually feel the sensation of the bumps while in rest mode in my foot. If I walk to much 3 to 4 blocks then my foot and ankle swell. The bumps do appear to somewhat be softer. However the fascia still protrudes from the arch and the bumps are extremely noticeable.  The T.V treatment is a 12 month process. I am however please with the results so far after 90 days of use. So what type of activity do I do now. NONE. I spend most the weekend with foot elevated.  Use my foot to get from point A to point B. I can say that I have been able to walk through the office with no pain and at the end of my work day my ankle / foot is not swollen. I do keep my foot prop up under my desk most all day.
I do plan to continue this treatment as I search for an oncologist near me that does radiotherapy. I am also in search of a new podiatrist. The reason: the podiatrist I have been seeing only offers two (2) other treatment plan. I am not keen on either. I asked his success rate on Shockwave treatment. He was unable to give me an answer. He performed this on very few PF patients. They did not come for a follow up.

Many thanks 
I want to thank Gary Manley for his compassion, kindness, knowledge. His willingness to keep me & everyone abreast on his findings.  His blog has been extremely informative. Gary's story is amazing. His determination on his quest for treatment has allowed him to regain the quality of life he lost for 2+ years. Personally I am thrilled that radiotherapy treatment has helped him. It appears the Eurpoean country is much furhtur advanced than the USA is in treating Plantar fibromatosis.

For the record: When I was 1st diagnosed with Plantar fibromatosis I was never told it was also known as ledderhose disease. So whenever I Google PF and saw things on LD I by passed that information as according to my doctors one said I had scar tissue the other PF.

One of my goals for this blog is for those out there with this condition, realize although rare as it is, they are not alone.

Another goal: Is to find a doctor in the USA who is abreast on radiotherapy treatment for PF and uses the same protocol as the European doctors. In my research it appears this treatment using the correct protocol has a high rate of putting this disease in remission.

If anyone out there has any treatments that have or have not worked.  Please post on this blog. I welcome your input

Pics of topical transdermal verapamil

2 tubes of topical transdermal
verapamil 15% gel will last 1 month
Applying the correct dose
2 application = 1 dose

must be applied in the morning
and once again in the evening

Apply on the diseased area


  1. I posted a comment but I do not see it.
    Carlton acworth ga
    check your facebook account


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  2. How Did the TV treatment help once you finished it? I had shockwave therapy. 3 treatments total of $650...not covered by insurance. It shrank them by about half in 3 weeks...but I'm sure I would need another round, including 1 more steroid shot. I had to have 2 locals in my foot just to numb it enough for them to work hard on it. It was still painful, but I believe I have low pain tolerance in my feet and hands(Dupytrens contracture).

    1. how often did you receive the shock-wave therapy? Did it cause an increased inflammation of the plantar fibroma? thanks

  3. Hi Dan. The verapamil did shrink the nodules. However not as much as I had hoped. I ended up having radiation. It's been almost a year. I did hey nerve damage from RT. I would be interested to hear more about your shock wave. Please send me an email at

  4. How is your PF doing now?

    I just visited my podiatrist who measured my PF and will go back in December to check the size. My guess is that it's getting larger. So would you suggest the injection then Verapamil? Or go straight to Verapamil and not wait to see if it grew? My podiatrist said that the only treatments covered by insurance are an injection or surgery. Did you end up finding someone in the US who could administer RT?

  5. I would love to get names of Atlanta, Ga doctors who treat LD? Thank you!

  6. Recently diagnosed, I am researching the claims of Dr. Davis of San Antonio. He injects the Fibroma with an enzyme/Lidocaine/Steroid solution. Enzymes to break down the scar tissue, Lidocaine for pain and Steroids to shrink the Fibroma. Comments from anyone ?

  7. Recently diagnosed, I am researching the claims of Dr. Davis of San Antonio. He injects the Fibroma with an enzyme/Lidocaine/Steroid solution. Enzymes to break down the scar tissue, Lidocaine for pain and Steroids to shrink the Fibroma. Comments from anyone ?

    1. I had that exact type of cortisone shot in both nodules. It did shrink them for 8 months. Then they grew back. I went for another shot. This angered the Fibroma causing them to grow at a rapid rate.. That's when I began to use the transdermal verapamil.. The nodules shrank with

    2. You mention you then began using verapamil. I've been using it for 8 months and need to return to see if it helped. I was wondering if it helped you. I also had steroid shots which helped totally but now the pain is returning. Others metion radiation which I have many questions on. Hopefully this is not old and you will reply.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I have PF. I had radiation in July and August, 2015. My oncologist had never heard of PF, but was willing to try radiation. It shrunk my nodule. It will be interesting to see if it reappears. Had to give up square dancing 2 years ago. Would love to dance again.

    1. Hi Gail. Sounds like your on your way to a great recovery.Hooray!!
      It has been 2 years since my radiation. I am doing great. The nodules have shrunk but are still there. It has taken a very long time for RT to work. My condition continues to get better and better with each year. I am walking 5 to 9 miles a day. I do wear good shoes and sometimes have to ice the foot after. I am dancing some.. Not as often as I did before the condition in 2012. But I am able to go dancing with no pain. I just don't push it. Feel free to email me directly with any questions.

    2. Hi Patty, thank you for letting me know you are doing well. Gives me hope that I may dance again down the road.

    3. Hey Patty my name is Jacob and I live in south GA. I have dealt with my fibromas since around 2000. I have visited countless Dr's and all the same reply nothing can be done. I did find 1 oropedic surgeon and he did cut on my left foot. A few days after surgery I still seen the knot. When I went back for his to take the stitches out it was still there be said it was a blood clot and my body would absorb it. Wrong it never went away. But now and 10 Dr's later I'm still looking for some help. Now I will tell you this I have got them on both feet and they are just about as big as a golf ball not as big but a little smaller. Every podertist (excuse my spelling) either wants to prescribe custom orthics or an MRI. Which I don't have the money for. 1 thing I have found the kinda work is this. I took some Dr scheols gel inserts and take some lipstick and trace around the PF. The lay the insert on a flat floor and step on it. When you remove your foot cut out where the PF would be and put that in your regular shoe. Now I know it don't cure it or shrink it but is does take some of the pressure off of the PF. Also I have searched the web and found all kind of cheap ways to make custom orthics. Also in my case it is hereditary my mother's mom has bad case of her fingers closing in one of her pinkeys had to be amputated. Also my uncle has PF too also on both of his feet and his fingers are drawing up and 1 of his pinkeys had to be amputated. So y'all see what I'm looking forward to in the future. I'm only 35 and I pray everyday the my kids don't get it and I'll keep looking for Dr's that can help us and if I find one I will post it here.thanks for reading

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Patty. I just found your blog here (I guess I was late to the party!) and thought I would throw in my 2 cents worth. Several years ago... I'm going to guess maybe 2005 I got tired of this irritating little bump I had on the bottom of my foot for longer than I could remember and I went to the doc to have him take a look. It was maybe no bigger than a pea, but it seemed to be sitting right on a nerve so it just hurt, not horribly, but enough to be really annoying (BTW I have a high pain tolerance so...). Well he sent me off to have some orthotics made, and back then they were a hard orthotic with a thin piece of foam on top. They "dented" the plastic part where the bump was and that served me just fine for years. Then in about 2013 it started growing. Obviously I could not wear the orthotics any longer so back to the doc. Well this time I was sent off to see an Podiatrist. He said it was PF and injected it. That injection was like Miracle Grow on flowers! It took off then! He then referred me to a Podiatric Surgeon (I believe that is what they are called). He agreed to excise the PF. After the surgery I was put into a soft orthotic and things went fairly well but over time I was increasingly uncomfortable. One day I decided to go out and get some pictures up in the local hills and walked about 2-3 miles in, not a real far walk, but coming back the last half mile or so I was almost crawling. My foot was screaming. I went back to the doc and he told me that I now had 2 where I once had one. Not only did it come back, but it brought a friend to the party! These are pretty darned big and extremely painful. This was my first introduction to LD (Ledderhose Disease). So I am off for a different type of orthotic. Just after I saw him last (November?) I had hand surgery for a carpal tunnel release. 20 days, to the day, after surgery I found a lump on that hand. I saw my hand surgeon and she diagnosed it as DD (Dupuytren's Disease). I see my hand doc this afternoon again and since she saw me last that contracture is at least 6 times the size it was and is causing limitations in my hand movements. I also have 2 "babies" coming up, one in each hand to boot. I also see my foot surgeon in a week or so and I get to show him the two that have popped up in my other foot as well. Apparently, from the reading I have done this is something going back to Northern European heritage. It is also know as Vikings Disease. Not everyone with DD gets LD and not everyone with LD gets DD, but it seems to be a high number. In my opinion, based on my experience, surgery is not an option for me. The hand doc is not convinced the RT has shown any empirical evidence of actually having a positive effect enough to offset the potential issues associated with radiation exposure. So, what to do. Well, I'm not really sure, but I am going to ask about the Verapamil Cream and see what she says. All in all this is really affected my life as I have had to quit my job due to an inability to stand on concrete/tile floors for hours and, since my job was as a cake decorator and my hands are pretty well shot I cannot work a bag all day anymore either. Luckily, I already retired from my career several years ago so I can make ends meet, but I would sure welcome a solution. BTW, I live in San Diego so I'm not going to be much help in your search for Atlanta area doctors! :-)

    1. Any info you've come across saying oral calcium channel bLockers are effective????

    2. How is it doing today? Have you improved?

  11. Michael, there is a wonderful group on Facebook. Go to DART - Dupuytren's Advocates for Radiation Therapy. This group also addresses Ledderhose Disease which is what I have.

  12. Yes, I already belong to DART. I have always had serious reservations about radiation therapy. In my life I have been exposed to a substantial amount of radiation already and to add to that on purpose makes me somewhat trepidatious. I have discussed it with my doc and she is not in favor of that so at the moment, and only at the moment, that is off the table. I also belong to Dupuytrens Contracture group on FB. There are a lot of good people there, however, there are a lot of desperate people there grasping at some pretty odd straws as well. I have diabetes as well so I hear all sorts of weird things that will "cure" you of diabetes. None of them work! Just follow your meal plans, take your meds and behave. :-) Sorry, that's a sore spot for me! LOL! I really think the answer will lie in Gene Therapy down the road and I think the Dupuytren Foundation with their study is our best hope for finding that answer.

  13. Hopefully, something in the future will help all of us.

  14. Wow, well I am even later to the party. I had a lump on my left foot, on the arch and went to a podiatrist about 4 years ago who really didn't do anything. I kind of ignored it, but always hoped for the time when I could get it removed and rub my arch once again on anything, without feeling the lump. It ached sometimes, sometimes it was hard, other times it was soft. At times when I woke up and started walking, it would be tight. Other times, it was just there. I always thought, well, it's one foot. About 5 months ago I noticed one on my other foot and in May I went to a Podiatrist. I had an ultra sound on both feet, and was diagnosed with Plantar Fasciitis and Fibromatosis. The Plantar Fasciitis just came to be in June, and it is painful. After the ultra sound, it was confirmed and the doctor wrote me a prescription for Transdermal Verapamil 15% gel and I just started putting it on my feet this afternoon.

    I have to say, after reading so many other comments with the same disease, I'm a little more worried than what I was worried with originally. I briefly looked up some information on this disease, but didn't really go to far until I went back to the doctor. When I went tot he doctor, he said that surgery is not really helpful, in that it will more than likely grow back, and might even be worse. The one on my left foot is large, and he thought instead of removing it, it might be fruitful to have it planed - but we're hoping the medicine will help make it smaller. The one on the right foot is small, and hoping the medicine totally gets rid of it. The doctor also told me to buy Aetrex L400 Lynco Orthotics for women, and there are also some for men. They really help my feet from hurting as much as they did without. They cost $60.00 for a pair. I have found that wearing my gym shoes with the orthotics in helps my feet to not hurt nearly as much. Is it the Plantar Fasciitis that is hurting? Probably. But it does help both of my issues from hurting.

    Has anyone had to change their diet,and has anyone heard anything about things that should be added, or definitely deleted from the diet?

    I'm gathering from the doctor, and now from all of your comments, that this is long, live long event. I'm also concerned about more beginning to grow, either on my feet or hands. The one thing the doctor did say - if this continues to grow, amputation is about the only viable option that will work. Gosh, not a great option. I hope this blog still is doing, and would appreciate any info not already shared. Thanks and Blessings!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I'm sorry, for some reason I came up as unknown. My name is Debbie

    1. Hi Debbie, Please email me at

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hi. No one told me of any certain diet. But I have found that when I eat clean. Meaning fruits veggies & protein. Eliminating sugar and processed foods that my feet feel better. The inflammation goes away. Each time after I indulge in sugar and/or process foods my feet and hands get thick feeling. Inflammation set in. I also found that I must stay hydrated. This cuts back on the inflammation. If anyone wants to contact me direct please email me

  18. I am writing this very long message because I want to describe my situation in detail in the hopes it may help others who are suffering from plantar fibroma.
    Having tried many treatments as detailed below, I am finally very hopeful given the results that I have experienced from my enzyme injections from Dr. Davis. If you don’t have the time or inclination to read all of what I’ve written, my conclusion is that this is the only treatment that has unequivocally helped me and if you have not had any improvements from your current treatment, I urge you to consider contacting Dr. Ed Davis in San Antonio.
    I have had plantar fibroma lesions since 2011. In 2011, I noticed a small pea sized lump in the arch of my left foot. After ignoring it for some time, I consulted an Ottawa (Canada) foot doctor when it started to grow who said I had plantar fibroma. It is not known what causes it, though heredity is believed to be a factor. I live in Canada which currently has no treatment for plantar fibroma. I did try one session of shock treatment which I was told might help, but that made the lesion more painful.
    In doing researching on the internet, I came across PDlabs in Texas. I found a wonderful foot doctor in Toronto (Canada), Dr. Neil Naftolin who helped me by prescribing it and I started using their Transdermal Verapamil in April, 2012.
    Their literature said it would take months to see any effect. Having no other alternative at the time, I religiously followed the schedule. About 6 months later, I felt a constant tingling sensation on the arch of my right foot. As I feared, about a month later, I could clearly see and feel another lesion on my right foot.
    Both lesions continued to grow. I did stop the Verapamil to see if there would be any effect and when I found that I experienced more pain and the lesions appeared to harden, I went back onto their regime.
    In 2013, I was starting to wake up in the night due to the pain from the lesions, especially from my right foot. It was painful to walk when I got up, though the pain would disappear as the day wore on. My right big toe was constantly numb and tingling.
    My husband and I live a very active life, exercising vigorously daily and hiking and biking whenever our work allows. I could see that if the lesions continued to grow and harden, it would make doing the things I love impossible and negatively impact both of our lives very much.
    Given the character limit here, if you would like to read the rest of this post, please visit the Dupuytren forum here:

  19. Hi, My name is Jay. I too had a PF. I used the PD Labs Verapamil Gel as directed and it went away after a few months. I suggest giving it a try. But you MUST do it 2 X'a a day as they say.

    1. Hi Jay, did you need to rub hard or was rubbing softly ok? I started it, and rubbing firmly really hurt and seemed to stimulate growth. Maybe I'll try again only softly.

  20. Hello Califstacy, radiation is not a cure. It is supposed to help stop and or slow it down from progressing. My first RT was in 2013. It came back last fall 2017. I had RT again. Today I am hiking, walking and enjoying an active life style. It is Not gone. My foot/ankle sometimes swells. Please email me directly for additional questions.

  21. Hi Folks, I've been living with this pain for 2+years. I was told at first that I have Planter's Fasciitis. I have one lump that irritates me. I cant stand very long, nor can I wear heels. Ive become a sneaker gal. Anyone have any results with "shock wave therapy?" I'm unsure as not only do I hear it hurts, it's expensive. I may try and get the gel if it's available in Canada.

  22. Any updates for those who have had different treatments and the results?


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    He might be late to respond because he always busy with patent, but he will surely get back to you with positive response.

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    9 prostate enlargement
    10 Hepatitis B and many more  

  26. I GOT CURED FROM HERPES VIRUS I was diagnosed of HERPES virus and i have tried all I can to get cured but all to no avail,,until I saw a post in a health forum about a herbalist man who prepare herbal medications to cure all kind of diseases including #HERPES virus,at first I doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try,when I contacted this herbalist via his email and he prepared a #HERPES herbal cure and sent it to me via DHL delivery company service, when I received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by direction on how to apply it,after applying the way I was instructed,I was totally cured of this deadly disease called HERPES, all thanks to Dr OGODO Email this great herbal doctor via his email
    You can also WhatsApp him on +2349044680467
    {5} HPV
    {6} ALS
    Only DR OGODO Can Help You I Love You Father.

  27. I've been barren for so many years living without a child of mine. When I came in contact with Doctor Aluda and reach out to him, I actually make use of his herbal medicine. and it's indeed effective and powerful... I conceived few weeks after taking his natural herbs for 17 days as prescribed by him... And now I'm 3 weeks happy, reach him on whatsapp +2348145636867 or Email him on

  28. Powerful Herbal treatment is 100% guarantee for HSV cure, the reason why most people are finding it difficult to cure HSV 1 or 2 is because they believe on medical report, drugs and medical treatments which is not helpful to cure HSV and hasn't proved any sign of helping. Natural roots/herbs are the best remedy which can easily eradicate herpes forever. I never believed it until I was helped and cured of my 16 months genital herpes with natural herbal medicines from Dr OGU Patrick. Where other medical prescribed drugs and treatments failed, Natural herbs helped saved me from Genital herpes permanently and i am so grateful for this. You can also get help from this great and powerful herbs can also contact Dr OGU Patrick through via this email: , Text or call him via : +1 719 629 0982
